How the FDA Progressed With Digital Initiatives in 2016

2016 was a busy year for everyone, especially for the FDA. Last year, the FDA passed several guidance documents and drafts relating to digital health. They also cleared a huge number of devices and had notable conversations with vendors throughout the year. The FDA even turned down certain devices that were considered certain to be cleared in 2016. A lot can change in a year in digital health.

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A Year for Guidance

The FDA spends a lot of time clearing new devices for publication. In June 2016, the FDA brought out a draft guidance that is designed for companies to help with FDA 510k. The guidance that was published was also brought out to help makers of medical devices understand how the FDA thinks about the patients and their access. It is a hot issue to talk about, but patient advocacy and the rights of patients allowed to access their own medical data is an important one.

According to an article by Healthcare IT News, technology evolvement is powering patient access, access to care, and access to new ideas. The connections that can be discovered with patients via smartphone, messaging and video offers an infrastructure to remotely monitor patients. Digital health and platforms pointing to analytics allow the medical devices in the home to remotely identify and help health issues. Healthcare can move forward with the ability to capture the data of real-time patients, which will put medical help light years ahead. People looking for companies to help with the FDA 510k process are going to be better off as the FDA are clearing devices better than ever.

Not Cleared

The FDA is more than just a rubber stamp on innovation and new devices, and this is proven by the fact that there are still several medical devices that have yet to be cleared. In 2016, the FDA refused the approval of what could have been the first drug on the mass market that included an ingestible sensor. Companies such as are there to help those looking for FDA approval and walk them through the process to hopefully avoid being declined.

Digital healthcare services are continually evolving, and like most things that relate to the federal government, the FDA’s future is still unclear right now despite a general assumption that incoming President Trump might relax FDA regulations.

Have You had a Burn Injury due to Dangerous Substances? A Look at Your Risks as a Worker

Many workers work with or are exposed to dangerous substances every single day. Often, these dangerous substances are difficult to identify – we don’t even know their risk until we have already suffered from an accident or injury. If you have had an injury – especially a burn or scald injury – due to dangerous substances in your workplace and would like to make a claim, here’s what you should know: your risks as a worker and how knowing these risks can help you solidify your claim and make a stronger case.


Burns due to liquids


There are a lot of liquids out there that – alone or, vapourised and mixed with air – can form a serious threat to your health. Petrol and other fluids are just some examples; others include industrial products such as solvents, paints, ink, cleaning fluids, and adhesives. Most of the time these products don’t present a problem in and of themselves; they usually require an ignition source (an open flame, electrical sparks, or sparks caused by friction or static electricity). However, these liquids often present other health risks that can lead to pulmonary illnesses and diseases.


Burns due to gasses


LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) or methane, usually stored in metal containers and often stored under pressure, form another hazard that often leads to burn injuries. Uncontrolled releases due to leaks or faulty mechanisms can ignite very quickly, often without warning. Moreover, the container in which the gases were stored often becomes a missile that causes further damage.


Burns due to dust


Dust is often ignored; many underestimate the hazards dust can bring to the workplace. Many understand that dust can lead to pulmonary issues, but they can also be a serious source of fire and pose a burn injury risk. Coal, flour, wood dust, grain and other substances, when there is cloud formation, ignite very easily.


Burns due to solids


Burns due to solids are often caused by the ignition of plastics, rubber, textiles, packaging, and so on. They often emit heavy, thick, black smoke that also pose breathing problems.




There are many other burn and explosion hazards – such as chemical substances, gas welding equipment, and so on. Special procedures should be in place when handling dangerous substances or tools.

If you have been working with dangerous substances, have had a burn or scald injury, and can prove that your employer has been amiss in their duty regarding your safety and security by not following the right procedures and processes, you can be eligible for a burn claim. Burn claims can be handled by expert solicitors on a No Win, No Fee basis.


Image attributed to Suwit Ritjaroon/


How to Build a Memorable Advertising Campaign

Building an advertising campaign isn’t always easy, and how serious you are about your business will depend on how expensive it is. There are many ways in which you can set up advertising campaigns, whether it’s by taking advantage of local billboards or social media advertising, you can be sure an advertising campaign needs to be memorable not only to get instant business, but also to create brand awareness to gain future clients. Building brand awareness is what really helps a business succeed regardless of the industry they do business in, and if you can get your brand out there, there is no reason why you can’t be as successful. If you are looking to build an advertising campaign that’s memorable, have a look at some of the steps to take below.

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Build a Social Media Presence First

Social media is a big part of consumer’s lives, so it’s important to build a social media presence before doing any marketing or advertising. Once you are present on the popular social media websites, make sure you set up an advertising campaign with them and gain some social media followers. Followers are important because they are potential consumers truly interested in your brand and/or products. Once you have a social media following, it gives you a base to work from with your future advertising campaigns, and it also gives you free advertising.

Come Up with a Unique Whiteboard Animation

You need people to be interested in the products you are trying to sell, so there is nothing wrong with coming up with a funny whiteboard animation containing Spiel animations to give you a good marketing strategy. It’s important that you come up with something unique and preferably funny, as that will help your animation get shared around the social media platforms thousands of times, creating selling opportunities along with brand awareness. Whiteboard animations are proven to be key when marketing because they provide a way for businesses to tell their users what they are all about without them sounding boring thanks to the animations used.

Market Your Whiteboard Animation

Once you have come up with an idea for a whiteboard animation and it has been created, it’s time to market it around your social media platforms. You can take advantage of Pay Per Click advertising programs here, and you can even sign up for the social media advertising programs that they offer which will give you much more brand awareness and advertising. At this stage, you will already have a social media following thanks to the first step you have taken in getting a social media presence, so this will make this step a lot cheaper and more effective.

It’s always important as a business that you create memorable advertising campaigns, just so you can create good brand awareness and get instant business from consumers. With the help of social media, creating memorable advertising campaigns isn’t hard and as long as you come up with something unique, there is no reason why your advertising campaign won’t be memorable for years to come.

You should use a VPS in these three scenarios

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a machine that runs a duplicate operating system (OS) and is sold by hosting companies as a service. A VPS is an alternative to a dedicated physical server, with similar functions, but generally priced significantly lower than a dedicated server. Here are three scenarios when a VPS would be an advisable option.

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1. You want the freedom to install/uninstall applications

A VPS is the perfect solution for those wanting more technical flexibility than shared hosting offers, but for whom getting their own server is just too expensive. With a VPS, you have the freedom to install and uninstall software applications, create accounts as you wish and customise your server environment. Though you have your dedicated space, you don’t need to worry about the physical maintenance of the server, as it in fact belongs to and is shared by others.

A VPS is also a viable option for businesses who want some or all of the features offered by dedicated servers, but don’t have the resources to supporte or store the piece of equipment. For a list of the best VPS hosting companies of 2016, see

2. You want more space of your own

If you have outgrown your shared hosting and you think you need more space to play with, a VPS could help, by giving flexibility and scope. Similarly, anyone who uses significant bandwidth and finds that their website is often on a go-slow may find that VPS is the solution for them. With a shared website hosting plan, you literally are sharing everything, even down to disk space.

While hosting companies will do their utmost to keep your data safe, they can never be certain that networks are trustworthy. Security checks and other testing measures should be carried out to ensure the safety and reliability of your website or software. BugFinders offers a commercial software testing service designed to identify any flaws (

3. You rely heavily on your website

If you rely on your website for your business operations, you should consider looking into setting up a VPS, to be confident in its perfect performance. Being on a shared web hosting plan means that your site could be affected by other companies’ websites, particularly if they have very high traffic.

How professional hockey is getting serious about technological advantage

Professional hockey has experienced many developments in the sport over recent years, particularly when it comes to technology. Tech in sport is always an exciting subject because it has the potential to completely change the way we play, watch and judge sport. Several new technological developments were seen at the Hockey Word Cup this September. Read on to discover the technology that is changing the face of hockey.

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Player and Puck Tracking

The Hockey World Cup saw the first use of tracking players and pucks in its non-exhibition matches. The league and NHLPA worked with SportVision to use infrared sensors on the back of the players’ jerseys and in the puck. This enabled the tracking of data points, including skating speed, skating distances, puck trajectory and speed, and player location.

The data from the player and puck tracking technology will be used by broadcasters to feature graphics live on replay, in analysis and for in-depth editorial. However, the tracking experiment does not include a tool for fans to interact with the data, which will be a disappointment to some spectators.

Dasherboard Developments

Another tech development during the World Cup of Hockey was digitally-enhanced dasherboard tech during the live games. This provided the ability to replace TV-visible dasherboard ads that have different advertisements. This will allow the league and union to provide advertising options specific to each broadcast feed.


The event brought in a huge amount of sponsorship revenue. Many new partnerships have been announced, including sponsors from Asia and Europe. It is thought that the event brought in more than $120M in total revenue. Despite the US’s poor showing at the World Cup of Hockey, there has still been much sponsorship interest due to the wide audience that comes from international video streaming.

Video Drills

Technology is also being used at the national and club level to improve training with field hockey drills available online, such as those available at These give players useful ways to improve their skills by watching videos with images and discussion about positioning, shooting, tackling, passing and more.

Technology is becoming more involved in sport than ever before. From training to advertising, new tech can help clubs, fans, players and advertisers get more from the game of hockey.