How to clean a commercial convection oven

Commercial convection ovens have a great number of advantages over their domestic counterparts – they are quicker, hotter and all-round more efficient. To operate at maximum efficiency, though, they require careful maintenance. Frequent cleaning forms an important part of oven care.

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As a professional caterer, you will also find that there are all sorts of rules around food hygiene, and keeping a spotless commercial oven goes a long way to complying with these regulations.

Make sure the oven has cooled since its last use.

This is an essential step for your own safety and will help you avoid burns.

Remove racks

This is partly to make it easier to clean the sides and back of the oven and partly because the racks catch food spills and drips and need careful cleaning themselves. Give them a good scrub until they are free of food debris and put to one side to dry thoroughly.

Clean inside of oven

Concentrate on the bottom of the oven where there may be spilled food, but don’t neglect the top and sides, as they might well have been splattered with oil or other foodstuffs. Fans can accumulate debris and this needs removing to ensure that your equipment is operating at optimum efficiency. If you clean your oven often enough, it’s unlikely you will need much more than soapy water and a bit of elbow grease but, if you have stubborn patches of “cooked in” food, there are several excellent preparations on the market for cleaning domestic and commercial ovens. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions, because these contain fairly powerful chemicals

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Reinsert racks

Make sure the racks are properly inserted into their respective slots, then leave the oven open, ideally overnight, so it is completely dry when you next use it. As users of commercial ovens, like those offered by will testify, damp ovens generate steam, which can scald you and hinder food preparation.


There is so much to do when you run a catering operation, from food preparation to buying supplies and doing accounts, that the temptation to put off jobs like cleaning the oven is understandable. Do keep on top of this particular task, though, as it can save hours of work at a later stage and help you keep a safe and clean food business.

How can I get a mortgage if I’m self employed?

At a time when mortgage lending rules are considerably tighter than a decade ago, it can seem almost impossible for self-employed borrowers to get the mortgages they need. Whilst it would be wrong to pretend it is easy, there are mortgages available, and this piece aims to provide some guidance.

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Gather your information

As a first step towards finding your mortgage, it is a good idea to do some research to find the lenders and brokers who can best help. Totally Money has a useful site, and This Is Money gives good guidance and has a best buy list.

Do these things

Some positive actions to take which will help the process of arranging a mortgage include:

Talk to your current lender or bank
Consult a broker
Use a certified or chartered accountant to prepare tax returns and accounts
Keep your financial records up-to-date.

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Don’t do these things

These actions should be avoided if you are in the market for a mortgage:

Give up – finding a mortgage will be difficult, but not impossible!
Minimise your profit / income with a view to saving tax – to get a mortgage you need evidence of strong healthy finances, not losses.

Using a broker, or financial advisor

Financial advisors or mortgage brokers can offer expertise and help to find the best mortgage for your needs. As well as a wide knowledge of what is available, they will use specialist tools, including back office systems for IFAs, such as provided by Intelliflo, to help them offer the right mortgage.

Other things to consider

Normally, you will need 2 years’ of financial records to apply for a mortgage, but some lenders will consider you if you don’t yet have those available. Again, different lenders take different positions about profits retained in the business, and how that affects mortgage decisions. Of course, you will need a healthy credit rating, for both you and your business, so take steps to check, and if necessary, repair them. The model under which you run your business – sole trader, partnership, or limited company – can affect your mortgage status. All in all, it is probably worthwhile getting the help of a specialist mortgage broker, preferably one who is used to self-employed applicants.

5 Ways How to Effectively Implement Email Marketing Campaign

In this day and age, it has become mandatory for businesses particularly those that are trying to establish themselves in the industry, to create an online presence. People nowadays have easy access to the World Wide Web thus making a quick check on a company, institution, or even a person can be done by a few clicks on one’s mobile device or computer. To most, to be a legitimate business, you must have a website. If you don’t, then you could easily be dismissed as a fly-by-night operator. While having a website is important, it does not guarantee success. You need to get people to visit your site, appreciate its content, and ultimately buy your products or avail of the services you offer.

But how do you get people to visit your website? This is where email marketing campaign comes in. It is a powerful form of direct marketing that can do wonders for you and your business without costing you an arm and a leg on your finances. With email marketing, you can reach out to your prospective and existing customers by sending them carefully directed email messages to establish and maintain a connection with them. Besides, emails have become a well-accepted and widely used form of business communication.

There are numerous considerations about implementing an email marketing campaign but these are the essential ones that can help your online selling business in the Philippines:

  1. Specific. You need to clarify the main purpose of your email. Do you want to introduce your business? Do you want to know what your customers think about your product or service? Do you want to inform them about your new product offerings? Do you want them to follow your social media accounts? What do you want your audience to do after reading your email?

The purpose of why you are sending out emails must be established even before writing your first word because this will dictate the tone of your message. You also need to consider your target readers – their age, location, and history with your company – so you can focus your efforts and enhance the chance of success. Being specific will help you decide whether one standard email is what you need or a set of customized emails for each particular group would be a better way to go to achieve your goal.

  1. Measurable. Email marketing campaign does not end with hitting the send button. It is actually just the beginning. It should be your concern that the purpose, for which you sent the email in the first place, must be achieved if you are to consider the campaign a success. Were you able to attain your objective?

You would also like to know how many contacts were able to read your email, how many of the emails bounced back, how many readers, after receiving the email, unsubscribed. These are usual information that most email marketing tools provide. There are a lot of these tools out there and your choice primarily depends on what suits your needs. If you are not sure which one to take, go for the trial period so you can get the feel before actually buying. The information you get from these tools can help you look into your material to see where you can improve to make it more effective.

  1. Time-bound. Your campaign must have a start date and an end date. It cannot be a continuous barrage of emails that will soon become annoying to your readers, which can seriously damage your reputation. Establishing initial and terminal points enhances the organization of your entire campaign because it allows you to plot the timing. Determine when and how often you will be sending your emails. It may be acceptable to see newsletters weekly or twice a month but sending promotional materials that frequent can be seen as too aggressive.

  1. Personal. While marketing campaigns are generally business in nature, it does not prohibit you from injecting your personal touch in your emails. You can achieve this by carefully constructing your message, selecting the words and considering how your readers would feel. A more personal approach can make you sound relevant to your readers and it likewise increases the chances of your email getting read at all.

  1. Digestible. The material you will be sending must be easy on the eye when looking at it and understandable when reading it. People by nature love to look at visually appealing things. They are drawn more to colors but too much of bright colors can be unsightly as well. The words used must be carefully selected and the thought properly organized and developed. You would not want your own words to be the hindrance to your readers’ understanding of what you are trying to tell them. You may ask help from your friends and family to review your material before sending it out so they can give you insights on what to improve. Ensuring that your material is in its best form and construction can be painstaking but it is all important because it can spell the success or failure of your entire campaign.

Make sure that your material is concise. It does not have to be long; it just has to be complete. Besides, your readers do not have all the time in the world to read lengthy write-ups.

If you are really determined of ensuring the success of your campaign, you can conduct a test on small groups, perhaps with the top two versions of your material. See how each group react to the material and know which one works better. Once you have determined the best choice, roll it out to the rest of your contacts.

At the end of your campaign, review the results. You may get more than a handful of insights as to where you need to improve on the next time you conduct another campaign. Remember, you can do this as often as you want but be mindful of your readers. If you receive feedback from them, whether in the form of a complaint or suggestion, listen and assess their reaction. They may be telling you something you can actually act on to better your campaign approach or your online business in the Philippines. A simple question could mean that they need additional information on something or you might have missed including some details that may be useful to them.

With people spending more and more of their time on the net, communicating through email continues to become a reliable tool to reach out to potential customers. It is less time consuming and cost-effective way to ensure that you maintain a channel through which you can establish new business relationships and maintain existing ones. Just know how to properly use it so you can maximize its benefits.

Setting Up an Appointment for Boiler Repair

There are various residential and commercial establishments with boilers for heating. These machines are designed to last for a long time. Just like any other machines, they also break down. Hence, repair is necessary. Since it is an extremely essential machine for heating, it is impossible to go on for days without fixing it. As soon as the problem arises, an appointment for boiler repair must be set up.

Look for the best repair service

Boilers are not easy to deal with. It is important to have only the best people placing their hands on the equipment. Those who are not used to boilers might further complicate the problem. Worse, the entire boiler could even break down. Make sure the boiler repair company you partner with has years of experiences in handling boiler issues, whether they are in residential or commercial areas.

Take time to compare and contrast the options available. Check the cost for their services and the number of years they have been providing services to their clients. Reading reviews or seeking recommendations from friends would also be of great help.

Schedule the repair

Once you have found the best company to help you out, call them to confirm the information you have found online. Ask questions if you are uncertain of their services. If you have agreed on the price and the time for them to come and provide their services, confirm the appointment.

Some companies require a down payment for the services before they send someone to come over and do the job. The remaining amount agreed upon will be paid after the service is done.


Emergency repair

There are instances in which an emergency repair is necessary. The good thing is that there are companies providing 24/7 services. Tell them what the problem is and where you are located so they can send people to do the job immediately. This is true especially if the problem involves something that could get worse, possibly causing a fire or an explosion.

Take note that emergency repair services cost a lot more. Ask for a quotation first before agreeing to the deal. However, in a case where things could get worse, you have no choice but to avail of an emergency repair service.

You need not worry if you have the best person helping you to solve this problem. Boiler repair and other related issues can be solved easily if you have the right person by your side every step of the way. Rest assured, if you need a gas Engineer London has many high quality companies which employ experts who can help you solve these problems. You just have to give them a call and schedule the repair right away.


Image via (khunaspix)


How To Utilize Social Media To Advance Your Career

In this day and age where technology and social media have become such an integral and essential part of our lives, one of the most given piece of advice the older generation often give to the younger one is “quit social media, it will hurt your career.” While in some cases, where a troll is fired from their job due to their poor conduct in their social media account, it’s true – one cannot simply generalize the matter and cast social media as a bad phenomenon. It has a lot to do with how you handle your presence online, done right, your social media may just be what you need to advance your tech career. But how do you effectively and properly utilize social media to help you on that front? Keep reading to find out.

  • Build professional relationship your key contacts

Social media may be fun to interact with mutual friends and even more fun to use to stay up to date on various things going on in all parts of the world, but if you aim to use it to help your tech career, make sure your online regimen now consists of less playing around and more personal brand building. Another thing you must do is build professional relationship with your contacts on media such as LinkedIn.

  • Start networking on other social media websites

Other than LinkedIn, you may also network people from other site. For example, if you blog, you may simply refer to blogger in your newsfeed. You can either quote them or mention their work.

  • Put your expertise and abilities on display for all to see!

Go ahead, don’t be shy. Take your social media as your portfolio and let them see what you are capable of!

Would like to understand more on how your social media account can help your build and advance your tech career? Simply click the link and find out.