What is the best platform for my website?

Creating a personal or business website has been made simpler over the years thanks to the rising number of platforms that are dedicated to the tasks of building and hosting sites simply and affordably.

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This has made web design much more accessible, but with myriad platforms on offer, which one is the best to fit your needs?


Google’s blogging platform is well suited to showcasing creative content and offers a quick, easy way to launch your online presence. It also enjoys a thriving international audience of users and visitors.

The downside is that there is not much room for altering Tumblr sites so to make them stand out from the crowd, meaning it is a lot more rigid than other platforms.

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One of the world’s most successful and widely-used platforms, it works just as well for businesses as it does for individuals. It is free to use in its basic form and gives you access to a host of plugins to handle everything from e-commerce to SEO.

Optimising your use of WordPress will require time and effort. Alternatively, you could work with a company like http://www.rycomarketing.co.uk/web-design.html, which provides competitive web design in Belfast, to harness the true power of this platform without having to learn a whole new skill set in the process.


Any regular listeners to popular podcasts will have heard Squarespace being advertised as the latest and greatest platform for building websites. From the point of view of aesthetics, it is arguably the best option on the market, with hundreds of themes and customisation options that all look thoroughly professional and downright beautiful in many cases.

Using a free trial is a good idea as Squarespace positions itself as a premium site creation tool rather than one with entirely free strata like Tumblr and WordPress.

A similar experience to Squarespace is offered by competing platforms Weebly and Wix, so it is a good idea to experiment and find which one is the best fit.

Remember that mobile optimisation is important because most people now browse via their smartphone rather than on a desktop or laptop PC.

The good news is that all of the top platforms can cope with creating sites that work across all devices, so you will not miss out on this important audience.

Market Demand for Energy -Efficient Commercial Fridges

The growing hospitality sector and food retail sector require large-scale installation of refrigeration units. This is not a phenomenon that is exclusive to the Western world. China, Thailand, India and Indonesia all have booming convenience food service restaurants that all require refrigeration units. Given the climate in these countries, the energy demand is likely to be high.

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The commercial refrigerator market in the Asia Pacific region is predicted to rise at a staggering 9.8% CAGR between 2016 and 2024. At the same time, concerns regarding global warming and environmental damage are fuelling the demand more efficient refrigeration technologies.

Why Do Fridges Use So Much Energy?

There are plenty of tips for operating your fridge more efficiently. The most obvious are not placing it next to a heat source and checking the door seals for signs of wear and tear. However, even when these guidelines are followed, a fridge will use a lot of energy. Solid door refrigeration has to work very hard to maintain large quantities of food at below 40 C in hot commercial food environments.

When you purchase a refrigeration unit from a supplier such as https://www.fridgefreezerdirect.co.uk/solid-door-refrigeration, you can select an energy-efficient model to cut down your company’s carbon footprint.

Choosing an Energy-Efficient Commercial Fridge

The commercial food market is demanding more energy-efficient refrigeration. Information regarding the energy-efficiency of a new fridge will be readily available from the supplier. Before making a choice, it is important to consider how much of the product will need to be stored during busy periods and for how long.

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Companies can calculate the capital expenditure a well as running costs over the predicted life time of the appliance and work out the most cost-effective option. This can be done by finding the total energy consumption for the appliance for a year. This is located in the usual supplier information for the particular model. Multiply this by how much is paid for 1 kWh of electricity – this is indicated on electricity bills. Then multiply this by the predicted time that the appliance will last before it needs to be replaced.

Energy-efficient models use new technology and may be more expensive to buy. However, when you factor in the reduction in annual running costs, they may cost a business less over time.

Gold Buyers : The modern way to sell old gold items

Societies love for gold will ensure as long as we are alive, for thousands of years people from all cultures have valued gold above all else, and although today we mainly see gold in terms of gold jewellery, gold’s value is still unchanged for hundreds of years.

Wealth is often displayed today using gold jewellery, silver items, and diamonds. In some cases, even rare precious metals like platinum, palladium and rhodium are worn as jewellery or kept for value in bullion bars and coins.

Gold however is unique in its rarity, but also in its ease of casting, it can easily be formed to make gold jewellery and coins, it is also highly reactive, making it great for computer components and gold plating. This factor means that the majority of gold sold on the market does not have as high a premium added over the true value of the metal, hence as currency becomes more available, the value of gold rises in relation to this, what you buy with 1 ounce of gold today, is roughly the same you could have bought with an ounce of gold 100 years ago.

While we like to collect gold and gold jewellery, there comes times when the gold becomes faded, scratched, damaged or just simply out of date with modern fashion or requirements, at this point many people look to sell gold jewellery, this however has its own problems, as many small shopping strips with gold buyers shops located in them, only offer you around 30% to 60% of the true value of your gold.

Hence the best way to sell your gold is a reputable gold buyer, to do this, find out the true value of gold at the current market rate online, and then call around a few shops asking the price they pay for a 1 ounce bar of gold. Find the one that offers the closet to this and deal with them directly.

Finding old gold at home or in the workplace

The most common way to find gold at home is in the form of jewellery, old gold coins (anything pre-1960 often contains gold), sometimes people have small gold bullion bars and coins they collected decades earlier, which are often worth a lot more now.

The main way to make money from this gold is if you have held it for more than 10 years, it is likely worth more now that what you originally paid for it. The longer gold is held the higher the value will rise, as currency is constantly being printed, this means money itself looses value, but gold does not.

Other ways to find gold is in the workplace, if the IT department is throwing out old computers, you can remove the CPU microprocessors from these, and the pins underneath them are often made of pure gold. You can get upto 1 gram of gold per processor, this is upto $40 USD from each computer!

When getting cash for gold however, always remember to shop around and find the most trustworthy seller, ensure they pay the closest to the current gold price as possible, and reject any other companies who sell for far less.

Digital marketing agencies can make real difference to the website business

Now concept of digital marketing is one such evidence that actually make you corrigible and also supports your concept of winning to the near future. With the emergence of maximum numbers of digital channels now, the competition becomes tougher and you need to continue into the path of eternal success. Most of the business persons will not have enough resources and if they have, they don’t have the proper utilization methods. To deal with such issues, emergence of the digital marketing agencies will follow the path and always looking at the keen objectives, helping actually in specifying the set of mediums as well.


Before the advent of web 2.0 marketing is actually very easy as all included programs are easy and very short spanned and they seems to include only by events, printing mails, and if the perfect budget will allow you, can think over the promotion through radio and television. But now, modern concerns are actually creating spaces only with the best things such as PPC, SEM, Social media, SEO and much more. But with the variety of the options, you need to know which method is really useful and can be used for brining best traffic conversation and much more traffic also.


These days competition is always and it takes very dirty shape when competition is immense. Now, competition is also coming through different numbers of challenges. Moreover, now competition is global and different numbers of concerns are actually fighting from all over the world. For a single piece of market share, now everyone is fighting and if you want to win into the sphere, you must have the in depth challenge and you need to seek assistance from the great numbers of concerns just like Digital Marketing Agency Malaysia and they will definitely guide you to win the best.

Reputed concerns can do magic

Concept of marketing is really an important thing and you should do justice when you are up to for convenience. But now, with the help of some reputed concern, advertisement or marketing can see real endeavor. Now with the help or assistance of the best marketing agency one can target the best one to perform or to do and you need and they will definitely apply most of the exclusive strategy that you need to perform. Choice of the concern will make the history.

Different things to consider

While looking for the services of SEO Malaysia, you must go for the prolific services and for those associations of the best concern are always in doubt and you must go for assured and reputed one. Enriched experience and their prolific sense of marketing will actually help your concern to grow and along with that you must act with the connection and that is only with their sense and knowledge to broadcast. Nowadays, internet is the most convenient medium to target maximum numbers of potential customers and it is your call to select the best one. Checking their personal websites will make you confident about your choice and experience tremendous growth.

Marvellous Features of Virtual Mailbox

If we are living in Canada or the United States of America then we can receive tonnes of mails from time to time, from our friends or relatives. But in this busy world as we cannot even find time for ourselves, then how are we able to check our mails on daily basis. For this purpose, PostScan provides a Virtual mailbox for us. Most of you are not even familiar with a Virtual mailbox. Basically, it is some kind of agency who receives our mails and notifies us on the daily basis. The benefit of this company is that now we will never miss our important mails. Due to this step now wherever we are in the world, all of our mails are now received on our cell phones or by E-mails.

Save your Time

It happens most of the times that we forget to check our mailboxes, and the reason is that after a long tiring day from the offices. All we need is just some rest, and we just completely forgets to check the mailboxes, which could have some important emails for us. Like,

  • Job Letters
  • Interview Letters
  • Important Parcels
  • Invitation Letters
  • Passes for the events etc.

All of these above could be the important reasons that we are required to check our mailboxes on the regular basis. Not only has this it also happened that we order something on the online store. And before we receive the delivery, we need to go out of town or even the country. So in such condition, there is always some sort of tension in our heads about our parcels. So once you are subscribed for this Virtual mailbox then you need not worry about anything. This Virtual mailbox will notify us about the parcels, and keep it safe for us in their storage facility, till we arrive back.

How does it work?

There is no such complex technique to us this Virtual mailbox. All you need to do is to create an account on the PostScan, and once you get registered with it. Then after that, you will receive an address. Now just note down that address. And next time give this address for all of your posts. Now your duty is over. From now on everything is being handled by this Virtual mailbox. As all of your mails will now be posted to the new address. And they will scan the front of the postal envelope, and notify you via e-mail or a picture on your phone.

It’s your turn now to decide that what you want to do with that envelope. Like of you want that envelope to be received, then that envelope or parcel will be delivered to you. It does not matter that wherever you are in the world, that envelope will be handed over to you as soon as possible. Further, if you want to keep that post remain stored and to be read later. Then this Virtual mailbox consists of a storage facility. Which is really safe, and your post will remain there for as long as you want it to be.

Moreover, if you want that post to be opened and to be sent to you in the form of a picture, then this Virtual mailbox also provides this facility. And the last option is to dump that post or to be shredded. In short, your privacy is guaranteed.